Top 5 Most Read Blog Posts of 2018

Kate Chury Dietitian Calgary

As we wrap up 2018, I’d first like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all my readers. Thanks for sharing my posts and for your comments and emails. Blogging is a fun pastime for me and I appreciate being able to share my thoughts on nutrition with you.

One of my favourite things about the year end are all the ‘best of’ lists. I thought it would be fun to compile a list of my own. So, without further ado, here are my top 5 most read posts in 2018….


10 Reasons for Elderly Malnutrition and What you Can Do to Help

When it comes to nutrition, the elderly are an especially vulnerable population. There are a number of reasons this population is susceptible to poor nutritional status. Malnutrition in the elderly does not discriminate between race, gender or socioeconomic status. All elderly can be at risk of declining nutrition. Some reports estimate that only 17% of the elderly population in the United States are eating a balanced diet, with 30% of seniors skipping at least one meal or living on less than 1000 calories per day. Family members often feel helpless in preventing the nutritional deterioration of their aging loved ones. However, there are steps that can be taken to improve the nutritional status of seniors. The first step to help fight malnutrition in our seniors is to identify the root causes. 

To find out what why our elderly are at risk and what you can do continuing reading here.


10 Low FODMAP Breakfast Ideas

Embarking on the Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be a bit overwhelming. In fact, it can be downright anxiety provoking. And as anyone who is familiar with IBS knows, anxiety does NOT go well with IBS. In fact, anxiety and stress can make symptoms worse.

While the Low FODMAP Diet can do wonders for identifying trigger foods, it is admittedly not easy. One of the most challenging things that people are faced with is what to eat. When starting out on this elimination diet, just sitting down and figuring out what is allowed can seem like a big endeavor. That's way I've decided to work on some posts to help give ideas on simple food or meal choices to make the transition to the Low FODMAP Diet a little easier. My first post of this nature will be all about breakfast. 

If you are following the Low FODMAP Diet and need some breakfast inspiration, continue reading here.


Antinutrients: Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Them

There seems to be a lot written about “antinutrients” in the diet-blogosphere these days, especially by those who have aligned themselves with ancestral or low carb diets. Usually antinutrients are discussed in terms of why they should be avoided. I mean, really, they're called antinutrients, aren’t they? If nutrients are good, then it’s obvious that antinutrients are bad, right?

Or...maybe, it’s more complicated than that.

The confusing thing, from a nutritional standpoint, is that these antinutrients are found in foods that are generally considered healthful, such as whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and even some fruits and vegetables. The same foods that dietitians and nutrition experts have been encouraging us to eat for years.

So, what gives? What are antinutrients and should we be avoiding them? If you’d like to find out more, continue reading here.


Fact or Fiction: Himalayan Salt Edition

While mainstream nutrition advice is to cut down on dietary sodium, or salt, in our diet, many alt-health practitioner are promoting the use of “healthier salts” like Pink Himalayan salt. So what gives? Are there any truths to these claims? Or is this just another cleverly marketed snake oil aimed at siphoning off your hard earned money?

Join me while I explore what's being said online about Himalayan salt. Will the claims be more fiction than fact? Continue reading here to find out more.


Fact or Fiction: Vegetable Protein Edition

The above image depicting the protein differences between beef and broccoli has come across my news feeds several times. And every time I see it, I cringe. Now, this is not because I have anything against vegan or vegetarian diets but because of the misinformation it spreads.

Let me be clear in saying that this critique is not of plant-based diets.  Vegetarian and vegan diets can be a healthy choice, just as omnivorous ones can be. There are a wide variety of plant-based proteins available to easily reach individual protein needs, without the need for meat. In fact, I typically encourage ample intake of plant-based proteins due to their associated health benefits. This is also not a commentary on the ethics of eating meat. This is about nutrition and the biochemical properties of proteins. 

I decided to look a little deeper into the facts presented on this image. After all, maybe my assumption that broccoli couldn't possibly have more protein than beef was incorrect. My philosophy is to always keep an open mind and be receptive to the thought that our long held beliefs may not be correct. This is especially important with nutritional science as our understanding of nutrition and the body is always improving, and becoming more refined.  

To find out if the info on this image is ‘fact or fiction’ continue reading here.

So, there you have it. My top 5 most read articles of 2018. I hope you enjoyed them.

For the upcoming year, I’d love to hear what kind of topics you want to read more about. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have a suggestion for a future post from me.