Undieting - it's probably what you need.

Undieting - it's probably what you need.

Like so many people, I bet you’ve dieted for years. Hopping on and off diets that have promised you a quick fix, an easy way to lose weight. The problem with ‘easy’ fixes is that they usually aren’t easy and they do more damage than good in the long run. I’m here to say that you need to stop putting your faith in diets that do nothing but disappoint and screw up your relationship with food. Instead of dieting, you need to “undiet” instead.

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You may be losing weight…but your diet isn't working.

You may be losing weight…but your diet isn't working.

You tell me that dieting always works for you. You always lose weight when you cut out this or that food, or when you follow a certain type of plan. You are always able to lose the weight when you put your mind to it. You measure your success by the weight lost. I’m here to tell you that these weight loss diets aren’t a success, despite the weight loss.

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